On July, 1st 2020, The National Communications Commission (NCC) in Taiwan issued the updated version of regulation LP0002 (Low-power Radio-frequency Devices Technical Regulations). According to LP0002 §3.8.2, the new warning statement became mandatory for new applications.
The modification is because the regulation number of the telecommunication law is changed so the authority did some slight wording change, which doesn’t impact the concept or meaning of the statement.
And based on the latest NCC Committee meeting minutes, it is confirmed that the old description of the warning statement can be used only until Dec. 31, 2021, which means after Jan. 1st, 2022, the warning statement should be updated to the new version for all devices, including the devices approved before July 2020.
<New version of warning statement>
取得審驗證明之低功率射頻器材,非經核准,公司、商號或使 用者均不得擅自變更頻率、加大功率或變更原設計之特性及功能. 低功率射頻器材之使用不得影響飛航安全及干擾合法通信;經發現有干擾現象時,應立即停用, 並改善至無干擾時方得繼續使用。前述合法通信,指依電信管理法規定作業之無線電通信。低功 率射頻器材須忍受合法通信或工業、科學及醫療用電波輻射性電機設備之干擾。
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